
Saturday 9 January 2021

What a Crafty Day


We have had a wonderful craft filled day today. 

It is my weekend looking after the youngest Grandchildren so that my daughter can go to work. 

We decided that we would see what the BBC were offering in their educational programs for young children. There were quite a few choices, so we learnt about different types of motorbikes and then moved on to crafty things with Mr Maker. In one of his programs he made a frame out of lollypop sticks and buttons so we decided that we would make one for Emma's best friend Farrah.

He covered the frame with buttons on the TV, but as we didn't have any to hand we went with using some of Mummy's dies instead.
Emma has been learning about the planets at school so we decided to use a cool die set designed by Lisa Horton to decorate our frames.
Emma drew a picture to go in her frame and Farrah's and is going to do one for Chloe tomorrow because we ran out of time today.
Like mine it is a crafty house, and the kids love to help out. Chloe die cut all her shapes after choosing her pieces of scrap card stock.
Jack isn't quite old enough yet, but he likes to join in with drawing and colouring.
Emma is very creative and drew Farrah a beautiful picture, which unfortunately Jack ruined/ He was trying to colour like his big sister, he just unfortunately picked her drawing to colour on!!
They did some home schooling with Mummy on Friday.
They had printed out some worksheets for Emma to do,
but both Jack
and Chloe were eager not to be left out. The little ones are so funny because they both sound out a letter as they are drawing just as they have heard Emma do.
We have a list of things to do while Mummy is at work tomorrow including making soup for lunch. I will have lots of helpers for that as they all love cooking.
Better get to bed now I'm sure it will be an early start to the day lol.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs Kimx

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Hugs Kimx