
Sunday 10 January 2021

Isn't Nature Amazing

 Evening All,

Another chilly weekend. 

The kids were fascinated this morning to look out at all the frosty cobwebs that hung around every corner of the garden.

It never looks like there are any there at all, until you get a heavy frost and then it looks like the whole place needs a damn good clean. Which is of course normal for just about every garden in England. lol.
Even the decorative ladybug hadn't escaped.
We spent the morning doing chores so that Mummy could have a rest when she got back from work. The kids love to help out with things like sorting the washing and loading and unloading the dishwasher. There was also lots of shredding to do which meant the shredder kept going to sleep half way through a piece of paper. Jack kept rushing excitedly in to the kitchen to tell us that it had 'eaten it' so we could go and shred some more. It kept them entertained for ages and crossed another job off the 'To Do List'.
In between jobs we made the soup for lunch. Everyone helped, even Jack who likes to peel the onions before I chop them up.
The girls put the vegetables in to the soup maker and then each had a turn to stir everything before we left it to work it's magic.
After lunch, soup of course, we went to meet Mummy from work. The Girls took their bikes, and Jack had a much needed sleep in the buggy. All in all a very successful day.
I don't think the frost ever completely disappeared from the garden, and it was very cold when I came home tonight, so I hope that they don't wake up to snow tomorrow. Not that the kids would mind, they don't seem to feel the cold like us oldies do.
Stay safe and hugs.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet, pleased you all had a lovely day. Hugs, Angela xXx


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Hugs Kimx