
Friday, 2 April 2021

Happy Good Friday

 Evening All,

I hope that you have all had a wonderful Friday. If I didn't know any different, I would swear that all lockdown restrictions had been lifted this week, since once again we were stupidly busy at work.

It felt like it used to be on a Bank Holiday with all the tills going and a queue going right out the door of the shop. Now I know we operate the Traffic Light system which restricts the number of customers inside at any one time, but the lights seemed to be red (which keeps the doors closed until a customer leaves allowing a customer in to take their place) most of the time and there was a constant queue at the tills. So to be honest I am shattered and just not up to writing anything coherent tonight. I need to join the army of snorers that are currently competing for the top prize for the loudest snore.

My little bestie is currently in the lead, but I am about to join in lol.

See you tomorrow.

Hugs Kimx

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Hugs Kimx