
Saturday 22 February 2020

An afternoon filled with Stencils and Sparkle

Evening Everyone,
One of the benefits of a playdate with crafty friends is that you get to play with lots of goodies that you may be unfamiliar with. It can also be quite expensive. I became the proud owner of a rather impressive array of Imagination Starlight Paints and Sparkle Medium after one such play session with the lovely Lisa Baker a few years ago.
I try very hard to pass along these playdate benefits during classes at Davina's, so today we spent the afternoon getting to grips with all things sparkly including the Starlight Paints and Sparkle Medium.
I am definitely no expert, thank goodness for YouTube and Pinterest, but I do love to play so I think that I managed to pass along a few tips.
The background to this card was created using inks and then I have used a bubble stencil and baby wipe to remove a little of the colour in places around the panel.
I stamped and embossed over the panel, first making sure that the background was dry.
Sparkle Medium was then added to the panel using the same bubble stencil and a piece of Cut'nDry felt to burnish it which gives the foiled sparkle around the edges of the small circles.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a great evening.
Happy Crafting and Hugs

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message, it is always greatly appreciated. I will try and get back to you as soon as possible if you have a query
Hugs Kimx