Just a really quick post tonight as I am about to head out to teach at Davina's so there is no time.
I meant to post earlier but when I got back from dropping off the Christmas cards to Barbara my Granddaughter needed the laptop to finish her homework, and you know how it goes 5 mins leads into 2 hours and here we are waiting for my lift lol.

Anyway I thought I would share one of the cards that the girls will be making tonight to fill their Stationery Wallet.
I wonder if they all did their homework? Time got away with us last week and so they all decided that they would make sure that they had decorated the outside of their boxes at home so that all they had to do tonight was make all the cards and tags to go inside. Still a bit of a challenge but I will make sure that they go home with all that they need if they don't manage to finish it all tonight.

I have been getting some lovely comments on the blog. As you may know I am Guest Designer on the Crafty Cardmakers blog, a real honour. I tried to leave a direct link to them in the post but I'm afraid I failed. Help needed with this Vix lol.
Several of you have asked how I have made the padded cards and so I promise I will post more complete instructions as soon as I can.
You never know I might try and add pictures, that would be good for a laugh given how good with this blogging I am.....not.
Anyway must go now, I can hear Sylvie at the door.
Have a great evening and thanks for stopping by.
Love and hugs