Good Evening everyone.
You would think that after last weeks efforts at making Christmas cards I would be on a roll but I'm afraid that I have obviously had Christmas overload, so it was so nice to have a class yesterday that was totally unrelated to anything Christmas.
The technique that I have used involves Sticky Embossing powder, mica powders and foil and is actually described in step by step detail in my book 'A Passion for Papercraft - Rubber Stamping' by Search Press.

Quick plug over with , so now on to the cards.
All the cards I am showing here used floral stamps but the technique can be used with any image, although solid images definitely have the edge, in my opinion at least.It would work every bit as well with leaves and trees which would of course make fab Men's cards.
The pink and green card uses Hobby Art FL1445 Purple Toad flax and my favourite Hobby Art Birthday Greeting GR1455. A greeting cut from this stamped image can hide a multitude of sins, and stamped mistakes, as in this card!!

All the rest of the cards use Stampendous Agapanthus Cluster P107. My stamp is so well used that the code has worn off so I have just had to look it up on line.
Thanks Sir Stampalot your site always makes it easy to find an item.
The other stamps used are by Hobby Art - Diamond Background DC1921D and Checkered Background DC1928D. With Love GR1830B is also by Hobby Art and is just one of several stamps they make with that style of greeting.

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful stamp company right on my doorstep, and feel very honoured that they are prepared to take on board my requests for designs. I can't draw but I know what I like and it makes teaching so much easier when you have such fab designs to work with, especially if you have had a hand in designing them.
Sticky Embossing is actually a very easy product to work despite looking complicated. There is only one thing to remember DON'T OVERHEAT THE POWDER.

All the panels use a combination of images stamped and embossed using the sticky embossing powder, and images flat stamped with versamark. The embossed images must be done first and the mica powder and foil applied, before the flat stamped images are added. Do not try and stamp and emboss over the top of a previously embossed image as the two will blur into one another when the second lot of powder is heated.

If you want to add a further greeting either use Stazon or stamp and emboss the greeting onto a separate piece of cardstock. Sometimes you can get away with it, as I have on the With Love card but only where the image you are stamping over is not too solid.
The final two cards in this collection are created from a multiply stamped image which has then been cut into strips and mounted over beautifully co-ordinating background paper. As I have always said 'Don't forget the envelope'.
It is always so much nicer to receive a decorated envelope than a plain one. Decoration need be no more complicated than a small, leftover strip of background paper, as in this example.
I hope you like the cards. I'm posting this while I sit with all the family and catch up with the last four weeks of Merlin. The Grandchildren love it and it has become a little weekend ritual, but not one we manage every week - hence the telethon.
I am travelling up to stay with Janice and Andy at Sir Stampalot tomorrow after work. I am really excited. I always enjoy my stay there and go up several days early as holiday. Much more fun than sitting on a beach. I get to play in the shop for several days and hopefully make some new samples for them. There is always a challenge awaiting me - some stamps or a new product that Janice hasn't had the time to work with herself, so I am looking forward to seeing what she has got for me this time. I shall take my laptop with me, as always, so I will keep posted with what I make.
Hope you've had a great weekend.
Love Kimx