Hi Everyone, thanks for stopping by.
I cannot believe how windy it has been today.
I am at Farnborough at the moment doing the show and OMG how scary was that today.
For those of you that have never been to the show, it is held in a huge metal framed marques. Well today I have found myself not only shouting above the sound of the wind (and the aircraft taking off next door) but also cowering at my demo table as the wind howled through the tent and sounded as if it was going to rip the roof off. I just hope the weather doesn't get any worse or we might find ourselves being evacuated - health and safety and all that.

Anyway today was not only my first visit to Farnborough but also my first workshop there - 'This is much more fun than Housework'.
Always a bit scary because you never know quite what to expect.
My workshop was the first one of the day, thank goodness, because when we arrived to set up at 8am we found that we did not have a plug point - no electricity and we are doing stamping and embossing and bleach......HELP!!!!
I have now established myself there as the pest who made them install a plug point before the show even started. I thought the guys were going to demolish the back wall as they put the plug in so I didn't have the heart to point out that the door wouldn't close properly, so I did that later - I hope they let me back in tomorrow.

I am staying at 'Chez Till' at the moment with my friend Gill. I am being treated like royalty - dinner ready on the table when I get home, packed lunch, and I must not forget to have breakfast before I leave or I will get told off when I get home. We were up till gone midnight yesterday cutting out more of the card shapes for the workshop. Potentially I could have had 20 people on the class and you only have an hour to finish so I felt it best to prep as much as possible. With only one socket available the ladies had to conform to the great British tradition of queuing but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and managed to finish two cards.

Everybody managed to add there own individuality to their cards even though we were all using the same items.
I have an almost full class tomorrow so we have spent the evening stamping and embossing a few bits so that we might be able to cut down the queuing time. It has also enabled Gill to spend the evening making the cards with one to one attention - the least I can do in exchange for her putting up with me for a few days.

As requested I have posted some close up pictures of a couple of the cards. Even that has proved to be a challenge as although I have my laptop with me Gill doesn't have the password for me to access her Internet connection and my camera is not compatible with her computer so we have done the best we can - I hope you can at least get the idea.
Must close now as another early start awaits, and my hostess needs her sleep so that she is ready to play again tomorrow evening - no more cutting so we might just play with one of the new Hobby Art clear stamp sets, who knows.
Maybe I will see some of you at the show tomorrow. Do stop and say Hi.
Happy Stamping, when you get the chance!!
Love Kimx