
Sunday, 13 December 2015

Christmas is cancelled............................

Hi Everyone,
As you may know it has been a rather hectic year for me, and with Christmas just around the corner I have been starting to panic about how I am going to find the time to get any cards written.
Fortunately I have been a good girl over the course of the year and have managed to finish making at least 100, so the cards themselves aren't the problem, it is the bit I absolutely dread, writing them all out.
It seems to take me days, and they are in very short supply at the moment.
My Daughter Becki and her partner Andy have a very young baby, and have also just taken over their new pub which is happily only a few miles away from us.
However as with all new moves, it would seem for them at least, the flat that they are expected to live in is in a dreadful state.
So I have been trying to help out wherever I can by looking after Emma so that Becki can get some much needed cleaning and painting done.
In fact last night it was very much a family affair when her Sister, partner, and three of the four kids descended on the flat for a 'Cleaning, Painting and Furniture Moving Party'.
It is amazing how much you can get done, and how many times you can rearrange the furniture, when you have lots of eager little workers (dinner and ice cream is a fabulous bit of bribery lol)
Bedtime for all of us was 3AM this morning, but we managed to get such a lot done that it is finally starting to take shape and feel like somewhere that might be OK for them to live in.
Many hands make light work as they say.
So, I have made the decision to cancel Christmas............................ well at least card writing anyway!!
It is amazing how much calmer I feel now that I have decided not to write any Christmas cards, or very few at least.
Several years ago, after my son Adam died, I started writing a Christmas newsletter to keep family and friends up to date with what had been going on with us over the previous year.
He died on New Years Eve so of course lots of cards arrived with his name on them the following year as people that we only seem to keep in touch with at this time of year didn't know.
I haven't managed to write one of the these letters over the past few years so I thought that it was about time that I started the tradition all over again. I need to let them know about Emma at the very least.
So if I normally send you a card please don't think any the less of me, I am still thinking of you all, I have just run out of days to let you know just how much.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
I am just about to start a turn at pot washing at the pub as they don't seem to have inherited many staff either.
The things we do for our kids!!
Mind you it's what it's all about isn't it, and I wouldn't change a thing.
Lets hope my gloves and pinny are ready and waiting for me lol.


  1. Sending loads of love to you and your family Kim - don't ever feel accountable, you are amazing xx

  2. Bless you. It's all about teamwork. Wishing you a wonderful family Christmas xx

  3. Awww bless your heart Kim. You definitely have a lot on your plate. Don't stress, if things get done, they do, if they don't, they don't! People will understand. Tho I must confess I try to do everything and get in a flap about stuff so I should really heed my own advice!
    I am sure you will have an amazing Christmas especially with your new little granddaughter so relax and enjoy this special time! Hugs to you. Debs xx

  4. You are a fantastic card sender!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message, it is always greatly appreciated. I will try and get back to you as soon as possible if you have a query
Hugs Kimx