
Monday, 6 March 2017

Sending a Smile to my Nice Gym Buddy

Evening Everyone,
No babysitting duties today so I am back with another post.

It is a little later than I had planned because I was fulfilling a promise to a friend.
My lovely Gym Buddy recently had a little accident which has resulted in her being confined to her home. She did however make me promise that I would still go to the gym without her.
She usually gives me a lift there and then I walk home rather than going on the treadmill.. Walking with a purpose always seems like a much better idea to me.
Today I decided (for some totally MAD reason) that I would walk to the gym and then maybe walk home afterwards depending on how totally knackered I felt.
I have to say that it is not the first time that I have done it, but this time I also had a back pack full of shopping, killing two birds with one stone as they say.
I wanted to send her a card to cheer her up.
She has fractured one or possibly both feet, so 'Get Well Soon didn't seem quite right, and I don't have a stamp with someone in a fetching plaster boot.
So I went with a lovely old Whipper Snapper image that I had in my stash. It reminds me of us.
We laugh that she is a nice Gym Buddy rather than a good one when she accepts my rather pathetic excuses for not going sometimes. I do think falling down the stairs is a rather drastic way of getting out of keeping me company lol.
I know that she was bored after the first day as she is normally such a very busy and active person. I do hope that she is also not becoming too addicted to dreadful daytime TV.
Anyway maybe this will put a smile on her face.
Rest up and get mended soon as I miss my 'Buddy'.
Hugs Kimx

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Hugs Kimx