
Monday, 18 November 2013

A Pub full of Penguins

Hi All
I have had a break from cardmaking tonight, as I have been to the Pub to help my daughter put the finishing touches to their Christmas decorations.
Becki seems to have inherited the 'Crafty Gene' from my Mum who can draw, paint and sculpt, something that I am rubbish at.
Each of these fabulous works of art started life as a 2 litre coke bottle, some chicken wire and plaster bandages!!!!
 What a difference hours of dedication make. Aren't they fabulous?
They are set to form the centre piece to the Pubs decorations for this year. Unfortunately their Ice Castle still needs a final lick of paint, so I will just have to visit again to see them all in place.
What a hardship that will be lol.
Well done B, they look fantastic.
hugs Kimx


    Is she taking orders???


  2. I love penguins at Christmas and these are just fabulous.
    Clarissa. X


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message, it is always greatly appreciated. I will try and get back to you as soon as possible if you have a query
Hugs Kimx